After Completion of Endodontic Treatment

After Completion of Endodontic Treatment  in Lake Forest

After the completion of endodontic treatment, the root canal system is permanently sealed and a temporary restoration is placed on the outer surface. You need to do a follow-up restoration a month later. The follow-up restoration protects the tooth from fracture and decay and is performed by your restorative dentist. Your treatment record is sent to your restorative dentist to help them perform the procedure. Your healing progress is also taken into account.

Your tooth is still delicate immediately after the endodontic treatment and is susceptible to fracture. Do not chew on the affected side until a protective crown is placed. Your restorative dentist may detect a lack of strength on the tooth. In this case, a post and core build-up is placed inside your tooth to give it more strength.

Potential Problems After Treatment

Lower teeth and nerve injury

A nerve injury may occur to the lower posterior teeth during the root canal surgery. Usually your endodontist examines the possibility of the injury happening before performing the procedure. Your endodontist is trained to minimize the risk of injuring the nerve. The lower posterior teeth are at risk because the root tips are near the nerves linked to your chin, lip, and gums. Though uncommon, the nerve may get irritated during the surgery. When the anesthesia wears off, you may experience a tingling feeling or complete numbness around the affected tissues. In most cases, this is a temporary feeling that slowly reduces and stops in a few days or weeks. In rare cases, it may be permanent and/or accompanied by pain.

Upper teeth and sinus communication

The roots of your upper teeth are close to your sinuses. A communication may occur between your mouth and the adjacent sinus during a root canal procedure. If this occurs, the effect heals on its own without requiring further treatment. In rare cases, patients experience persistent pain which needs medical attention. If your endodontist detects this communication during surgery they will recommend special instruction such as sneezing with an open mouth to avoid putting pressure on your sinuses. Do not blow your nose 2 to 3 days after the surgery. Should you experience anything unusual, contact our office.

Post-Operative infection

Post-operative infections rarely occur and are usually not serious. You may need an office visit and examination to rule out any complications. Your endodontist may prescribe an antibiotic for a few days to treat the infection.

Complications are rare but in case you experience discomfort and pain for longer periods, reach out to us.